acm facct acceptance rate

If using LaTeX, please use the template given in sample-manuscript.tex when downloading the latest version of the ACM LaTeX documents. chairs will make every effort to ensure that papers are reviewed by questions. Options and templates are available for both Word and LaTeX users. Submitted papers must be 12-15 pages (including all figures and tables) in the new single column format, plus unlimited pages for references. These reviews . Authors will be asked to select one or more of the above areas when they register their submissions. You should rename your videos as YOUR_PAPERID-SHORT.mp4 and YOUR_PAPERID-LONG.mp4, for example 1234-SHORT.mp4 and 1234-LONG.mp4. The program and area under review at a journal, but which have not yet been published in that The latest data we have shows there are 11,240 reviews in the system. study and development of computing as a field of knowledge and concerning the areas of interest and possibly sub-disciplines) at the dedicated website. If you have further questions about video format, please direct them to Each paper will be reviewed by members of the program committee. Please describe and consider the strengths of the submission. ACM FAccT. rejected without review. ACM FAccT solicits work from a wide variety of disciplines, including computer science, statistics, law, social sciences, the humanities, and policy, and multidisciplinary scholarships on fairness, accountability and transparency in computational systems (broadly construed). Try not be that reviewer! For questions relating to the organization of the conference as a whole, contact Papers got accepted to ACM CCS, IEEE ICC, IEEE CNS, IEEE Milcom, and. Simply put, a college's acceptance rate is the rate at which applicants are accepted. Please ensure your videos have *embedded* captions. Thereby, in the SCS, " Powered by machine learning techniques, social media provides an unobtrusive lens into individual behaviors, emotions, and psychological states. Lilly Irani, University of California, San Diego, Sampath Kannan, University of Pennsylvania. Authors are not required or expected to submit a response. While it allows sellers to increase their profits, it also raises several concerns in terms of fairness. paper to ACM FAccT. [Feb. [Feb. Search Search. In-person presentations must be live. Trusted AI literature to date has focused on the trust needs of users who knowingly interact with discrete AIs. Please provide an Overall Score for each submission on a scale from -3 to 3. deadlines are at 11:59 PM Anywhere On Earth on the given date. IL , A shepherd will be assigned to such submissions for the purpose of overseeing the revision process and confirming that the requested revisions are all carried out. And stay tuned for updates by following @facctconference. statistics, law, social sciences, the humanities, and education. The growing volume of digital data stimulates the adoption of recommender systems in different socioeconomic domains, including news industries. In a very limited number of cases where an otherwise excellent paper requires a significant but actionable revision, Program Chairs can select such submissions for shepherding. proceedings, if they are accepted. It builds on the success of the 2020 conference held in Barelona, and is the first conference under the new name! FAccT '21: 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency Virtual Event Canada March 3 - 10, 2021 ISBN: 978-1-4503-8309-7 Published: 01 March 2021 Sponsors: ACM Recommend ACM DL ALREADY A SUBSCRIBER? The submission addresses a problem in a better way than previous work, or advances the state of the art in a demonstrable way. We strongly recommend that authors also read it to familiarize themselves with the reviewing process. social justice in relation to design of computational systems? About us. consider dimensions beyond individual decisions, including equity Our research community is multidisciplinary in its make-up and orientation. This means that you provide your preferences (a.o. FAccT '23: 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency June 27 - 30, 2023 Chicago , IL , USA FAccT '23 website Bibliometrics Citation count 2,481 Downloads (6 weeks) 2,104 Downloads (12 months) 18,888 Downloads (cumulative) 84,968 Citation count 2,481 Downloads (6 weeks) 2,104 Downloads (12 months) 18,888 Videos will also be archived on the FAccT YouTube channel after the conference. which area your submission fits under, feel free to contact the Program ACM FAccT 2021 offers authors the avoid precluding the future submission of these papers to We have assessed travel intentions from most of our authors, and (depending on funding) up to 55% intend to travel to Seoul. This section can be used to provide additional usability and accessibility as well as support the longevity of ACM Anomaly detection aims to find instances that are considered unusual and is a fundamental problem of data science. On submission, authors may be asked to prepare an optional, brief explanation of how their work aligns with the ACM ethics guidelines and what, if any, ethical challenges they faced in their work. FAccT'22 has the same acceptance rate of previous editions but the most accepted papers so far - we received almost double the submissions of 2021, and have accepted double the number of papers (181 in total). You will be asked to provide an Overall Score and a Confidence Score (see below for details) for each submission. Additionally, please indicate if, in your opinion, this prevented your review from being impartial. not be told whether submissions under review are archival or not, to not submit papers that are identical, or substantially similar to Reviewers will use HotCRP to set conflicts, areas of interest and sub-disciplines, bid for papers, submit your reviews, and participate in discussion. Your review is important for two reasons: Please make your review as detailed and informative as possible -- short, superficial reviews that venture uninformed opinions or guesses are worse than no review, since they may result in the rejection of a high-quality submission. perspectives on fairness? Non-archival papers will only appear as abstracts in the Instead, please use a neutral formulation such as "Please have your submission proof-read for English style and grammar issues.". Technical reports and pre-prints: ACM FAccT welcomes submission of work that is already available without peer reviewing as a technical report (e.g., in SSRN, arXiv, or similar). websites or apps), or (2) rely on sensitive user data (e.g., social This typically corresponds to about 8,000 words for the main Our results speak to a tension between the desire to keep a proprietary model secret and the ability to offer model explanations. opens. and abstracts up until the full paper submission deadline, however the Research challenges are not limited to technological solutions regarding potential bias, but include the question of whether decisions should be outsourced to data- and code-driven computing systems. while minimizing harm to the individual), risk mitigation, and post-hoc previously appeared in non-archival venues such as workshops without There is one key exception. Strong work cites relevant prior work, and makes clear how it relates to that work. We will expand on this below. Models of agent responsiveness, termed "strategic manipulation," analyze the interaction between We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT). For Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of accepted papers will be released. FACCT-ANNOUNCE Archives ACM FAcct Announcements: FACCT-ANNOUNCE@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG: LISTSERV Archives: FACCT-ANNOUNCE Home: Log In: Register: Subscribe or Unsubscribe: Search Archives: Options: Use Forum View Use Monospaced Font Show Text Part by Default Show All Mail Headers: Message: Although you may have the opportunity to review this rebuttal and revise your recommendation, generally speaking, your overall assessment should reflect on whether you believe the paper merits acceptance except for minor revisions. In the case of qualitative SH/Law, the work has a clear added value compared to existing literature. will shift to the new ACM workflow for article templates and publication ACM Digital Library. While news recommenders help consumers deal with information overload and increase their engagement, their Personalization is pervasive in the online space as it leads to higher efficiency for the user and higher revenue for the platform by individualizing the most relevant content for each user. In your response, Please address the degree to which the following statements apply to this work. FAccT '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency March 2021 Pages 272 asked to prepare an optional, brief explanation of how their work aligns The Area Chairs and Program Chairs will interpret these scores via the following scale: Note: If you feel that your confidence rating is likely to be a 1 at the end of a review due to your lack of expertise in the given subject area, you should notify the Area Chair as early as possible in the process. However, Area Chairs and Program Chairs need to understand both the strengths and the weaknesses in order to make an informed decision. After the submission is made, the Track Chair will send the paper to three peer reviewers. Aida Rahmattalabi, Phebe Vayanos, Kathryn Dullerud, and Eric Rice. research for approval by each authors institutional ethics review body The Area Chairs and Program Chairs will interpret these scores via the following scale: Note : If you feel that your confidence rating is likely to be a 1 at the end of a review due to your lack of expertise in the given subject area, you should notify the Area Chair as early as possible in the process. The discussion phase is especially important for borderline submissions and submissions where the reviewers assessments differ; most submissions fall into one or other of these categories, so please take this phase seriously. Paper submission: 6 Feburary 2023 11:59pm Anywhere on Earth. As of May 9, about 65% of registrations include in-person attendance. For questions regarding registration, contact In this Anonymized smartphone-based mobility data has been widely adopted in devising and evaluating COVID-19 response strategies such as the targeting of public health resources. For example, if using slides, bright white slide backgrounds can make text harder to read; choose an off-white or cream background instead. Please avoid vague, subjective complaints, and make specific suggestions for improving the work where applicable. KDD 2022 (acceptance rate: 14.99%) This paper uses a theory of oppression to ground and extend algorithmic oppression. We The PC will take a broad view of what constitutes guidelines in shaping study design, analysis, and dissemination. insufficiently addressed issues in computing such as: How do algorithmic Top tier venues in computer science can be thought of as leading conferences such as CVPR, NIPS, ICML, CHI, KDD, ACL, ICWSM, SIGIR, SIGMOD, STOC, or top tier journals. In this light, we especially welcome attention to Your review is important for two reasons: Please make your review as detailed and informative as possible -- short, superficial reviews that venture uninformed opinions or guesses are worse than no review, since they may result in the rejection of a high-quality submission. (Acceptance rate: 16%) 11. judged by the same quality standards, regardless of whether the authors These works may be submitted as-is or in an extended Rather than using 'transaction generated information', these systems measure the 'real world' and produce an assessment of the 'world state' We present a large-scale study of gender bias in occupation classification, a task where the use of machine learning may lead to negative outcomes on peoples' lives. will appear in the published proceedings of the conference, if they are This will allow us to find an alternate reviewer who will be better able to assess the submission. The ACM Digital Library is published by the Association for Computing Machinery. Please describe and consider the strengths of the submission. proceedings, if they are accepted. Your comments should be detailed, specific, and polite. Confidentiality of submitted material will be . From creating paintings to generating novel art styles, AI based generative art has showcased a variety of applications. The objectives of the reviewing process are: The first objective ensures that ACM FAT* is considered a top tier venue for the discussion of fairness, accountability, and transparency of algorithmic systems. Authors must omit their names and affiliations from submissions, and avoid obvious identifying statements. Author responses: After receiving reviews, authors will have a brief period to offer responses to the reviews. and justice in systems, policy, and pedagogy. to ensure that authors receive high quality feedback on their submissions. It can be tempting to comment only on the weaknesses, however, Area Chairs and Program Chairs need to understand both the strengths and the weaknesses in order to make an informed decision. Reviews are due by March 21 11:59 pm AoE. We will be aided in this As calls for fair and unbiased algorithmic systems increase, so too does the number of individuals working on algorithmic fairness in industry. Recent research has successfully employed social media data to predict mental health states of individuals, A single algorithm drives an important health care decision for over 70 million people in the US. T. Kamishima, P.-N. Schwab, and M. D. Ekstrand. Review content serves two purposes. All It builds on the success of the 2020 conference held in Barelona, and is the first conference under the new name! ACM FAccT (formerly known as ACM FAT*) solicits work If this happens, please do not divulge the identities to anyone, but do tell the Track Chair that this has happened and make a note of this in the Confidential Comments to Program Chairs text field when you submit your review. Abstract submission: 30 January 2023 11:59pm Anywhere on Earth. program and will be evaluated for their contributions following submission area(s) by Sept 30. It is in your best interest to provide your preferences during the bidding phase. Submissions that have placeholder titles and abstracts (e.g., Area Chairs should return their meta-reviews by April 5 11:59 pm AoE. Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of accepted papers will be released prior to the conference. Recent work has revealed that major automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems such as Apple, Amazon, Google, IBM, and Microsoft perform much more poorly for Black U.S. speakers than for white U.S. speakers. and ethnic studies, migration studies, work on disability and other fairness, accountability and transparency (broadly construed). 9%! [1] We formally show that through our conceptual mapping, many existing Data too sensitive to be "open" for analysis and re-purposing typically remains "closed" as proprietary information. Your assessment should be based on the quality of the contribution, not its style. Your overall assessment should reflect whether you believe the paper merits acceptance except for minor revisions. Prezi guidelines for accessible presentations, Microsoft guidelines on making Powerpoint slides accessible. format. These workflow and formatting changes will improve Optionally, authors can upload supplementary materials (e.g., appendices) with their submission, but reviewers will not be required to read the supplementary materials, so authors are encouraged to use them judiciously. ACM ethics guidelines. Q&A will be live in both cases. Should authors find extraordinary errors or equity ACM FAccT FAccT 2021 Early Bird Registration, call for ACM FAccT Doctoral Consortium (DC). Papers that (1) describe experiments with users and/or deployed systems (e.g., websites or apps), or (2) rely on sensitive user data (e.g., social network information), must follow basic precepts of ethical research and subscribe to community norms. maintained. The recent adoption of machine learning models in high-risk settings such as medicine has increased demand for developments in privacy and fairness. Settings such as lending and policing can be modeled by a centralized agent allocating a scarce resource (e.g. All will appear in the published proceedings of the conference, if they are Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT), 2020. The previous two conferences had acceptance rates of 25% and attracted attendees from across academia, industry and public policy. Further information on the expected format and In industrial computer vision, discretionary decisions surrounding the production of image training data remain widely undocumented. It will help authors by providing both clarity about the reasons for our decision and useful feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of their scholarship, which they can use to strengthen their work. Strong work makes a contribution that his important to the FAccT academic field. The results are well-grounded and conclusions avoid exaggerating the merits of the work.. In this paper, we investigate such online A/B/n Increasingly, programming tasks involve automating and deploying sensitive decision-making processes that may have adverse impacts on individuals or groups of people. Specifically, something similar to the following should appear near the top of your .tex document \documentclass[manuscript,screen,review,anonymous]{acmart}. The non-archival option is offered to avoid precluding the future submission of these papers to discipline-specific journals. Ongoing work on public assistance for people experiencing homelessness, AI-assisted hiring, and strategies to tackle misinformation on social media. loans or police officers) amongst several groups, in order to maximize some objective (e.g. gender/LGBTQ studies, postcolonial studies, indigenous studies, racial relevant journal's submission policies. : Investigating Online A/B/n Tests in-the-Wild, The Social Cost of Strategic Classification, Access to Population-Level Signaling as a Source of Inequality, The Disparate Effects of Strategic Manipulation, All Holdings within the ACM Digital Library. compare the submission to other submissions. transparency in computational systems, including critical approaches DO NOT talk to anyoneincluding other reviewers or Track co-Chairsabout submissions that are assigned to you without prior approval from the submissions Track Chair; other reviewers or Track co-Chairs may have conflicts with these submissions. Area chairs will be listed on the FAccT website prior to the paper submission deadline. signin Sign in using your account. It is an opportunity to advertise your research in an easily-shared and easily-consumed format, to increase the chance that people will engage with it more deeply. adjustments to the program committee. Posters (in PDF format) are encouraged for the online booth, but are not required. beneficence (maximizing the benefits to an individual or to society How should the ACM FAccT uses a mutually anonymous review process. an ethical concern, and authors agree to be available at any time during For example, please do NOT use the sentence, "Please have your submission proofread by a native English speaker, (i.e., avoid the phrase native English speaker). Your assessment should be based on the quality of the contribution, not its style. For instance, citations to the authors' own prior work should be made in the third-person. FAccT* also welcomes full paper submissions that extend previously published short papers or abstracts, even if they appeared in formal proceedings, if the previously published version does not exceed 4 pages in length. previous years.) The research community is young but growing fast. Stability against changes in data distribution is an important mandate for responsible deployment of models. (Acceptance rate: 24%) [C3] Charles Marx*, Richard Phillips*, Sorelle A. Friedler, Carlos Scheidegger, and Suresh Venkatasub-ramanian. ACM FAccT maintains the confidentiality of submitted material. ACM FAccT maintains confidentiality of submitted material. anonymous review process. ACM FAccT uses a mutually However, an important part of bringing these opportunities to fruition is ensuring that upcoming AI technology works well for people with a wide range Environmental data science is uniquely placed to respond to essentially complex and fantastically worthy challenges related to arresting planetary destruction.

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