accidentally ate moldy bread pregnant

Good article! As for calling nurse/doctor: you dont even have any symptoms, what would they exactly be able to do? I did take a bite of bread 45 years ago it did not look moldy but it tasted moldy once it was in my mouth. Essentially, this is what you should do if you accidentally eat moldy bread:eat the bread.feel ashamed and grossed out that you ate moldy bread.scrunch up your face in disgust.throw. For the next 24 hours I was in the bathroom every 30 minutes expelling gross liquid from my bowels. WebI accidentally ate moldy bread at the beginning of my pregnancy also. Not so fast! So long as youre not putting poisons such as tobacco or vast quantities of caffeine into your body, your baby will be fine. But it wasnt anything I needed to rush to the ER for, thank goodness. No worries. Im going to be working really hard in the rest of my life to achieve that goal. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! Pregnant and accidentally ate moldy strawberries! There is a chance that you could also be allergic to mold. Doctor said it would not hurt you or baby at all. MIchelle. It spreads throughout you body and attaches itself to literally every cell. Maybe I should have paid more attention in Biology. But i am freaked right out. WebAnswer (1 of 23): Too late my friend. Seeing as some pregnant women used to eat coal (as a craving), I doubt this'll do you too much damage Don't be embarrassed Minky Bum - I'd be exactly the same. If youre questioning whether or not a food is still good, it probably is not. If anyone wanted to know about eating moldy bread while preg j jlbelle Posted 5/18/12 Don't worry, you'll be fine! A number of fungi or bacterium can grow on bread the most common examples are alimentary toxic aleukia, gangrenous ergotisms, I'm just so worried now that it will harm my baby. This morning, i woke up, cut one up and noticed a piece of banana inside had mold on it : ( I just made them Thursday afternoon too, and they were sealed up in a tight ziplock bag. Happy baking, What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. I thought eating the mouldy bread made you pregnant. So, dont think that just because you toast your moldy bread, its good to go. Especially as I agree the mould was probably from the other mouldy strawberry. I am strong, healthy and active and I hope everything goes well. generally speaking you want to avoid soft cheese period unless it has been cooked - but the risk associated is so rare, I honestly wouldnt worry at all. Not so fast! By the time I'd pretty much finished it, I noticed that all the other buns are faintly moldy!!!! All rights reserved. Let me know! I think youll be okay!! with its lovely green color. I hope youre feeling better now, and Im glad your husband spotted it before any more of it was eaten! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Perhaps you have a nurse hotline you can call on your insurance? If you end up getting sick from moldy bread, it will likely happen within a few hours of consuming it. I ATE ONE PIECE OF DARK WHEAT BREAD AFTER TOASTING IT. It spreads throughout you body and attaches itself to literally every cell. It is unlikely that your baby will become sick after accidentally eating moldy bread; however, it can happen. The doctor may prescribe an anti-nausea medicine. I felt sick at the though and panicky so hubby suggested I try to throw it up - which I did. at the time I had a cold so couldn't smell or taste much. Not quite true, penicillin can be made from certain types of bread, but it's a process, it's not like insant penicillin op you'll be ok This. I NEVER HAD ANY STOMACH DISCOMFORT BUT FELT A FEW TIMES LIKE THROWING UP. Michelle. Eating moldy bread wont kill you and shouldnt even make you feel sick beyond a little bit of nauseousness. WebAccidentally ate moldy bread. Not quite true, penicillin can be made from certain types of bread, but it's a process, it's not like insant penicillin. Hi Mercy, Not quite true, penicillin can be made from certain types of bread, but it's a process, it's not like insant penicillin. What do I do?? Marianne Gravely, a senior technical information specialist for the United States Department of Agriculture, recently Will this harm the fetus? It depends on the type of bread you eat. Im so happy to hear you didnt end up getting sick. I was shocked, as I thought refrigeration would prevent that. People who eat mold may experience vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). I bought a little bun and had it for about 4 days. EWWW. I finally found something that sounded good to me, part of which was a hamburger bun. However, it usually depends on the type of mold you eat because some of them are more dangerous and can cause a serious illness. I am 11 weeks pregnant for the very first time in my life with my very first child! I bought bread from the grocery store, there was already mold on it when I got it but I didn't notice until I had already bit into the moldy part. Welcome to The environment of your stomach is so harsh and acidic that most fungus and molds will be destroyed on contact. Hi I did something similar and ate a hamburger bun but dont know if it had mold on it but some of the other ones had mold on them. Experts explain what happens if you eat mold, and how to handle moldy foods. is there any medication? As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I hope youre feeling better. Even if it gave you a tummy ache (which is unlikely), the placenta is very efficient at protecting your baby form bad stuff. I'm betting you'll be fine, though. If your food is moldy, discard it within a plastic bag directly into your trash can. Can my baby ACTUALLY get food poisoning if I dont have it and die? And, since bread is so soft, fluffy, and easily penetrable, mold spores can spread quickly. I doubt the bun was green and fuzzy as you would have noticed that, so it was probably just little spots. After that I took a bite to make sure and yeah, it tasted horrible. just a heads up for next time. It tasted VERY ripe but not to the point of being rancid and rotten. These types of allergies are not common, though, and they shouldnt be life-threatening. If left untreated, mold poisoning can cause further complications like respiratory problems and neurological That sounds awful. People who eat mold may experience vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. A mold is microscopic fungus, says Dr. Craggs-Dino. one day i went into work, got my gateraid out of the fridge. If your food is moldy, discard it within a plastic bag directly into your trash can. You should not worry, the asthma is related to inhaling it not eating, eat will cause you to feel sick, vomit, tummy hurt and diarrhea. It is possible to cause nausea, vomiting, and other problems with moldy bread. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Now I know just to throw it away. Experts explain what happens if you eat mold, and how to handle moldy foods. As you all know, being pregnant makes you crave strange things at odd times. I spotted it out and within minutes I went into an anaphylactic reaction because I am allergic to penicillin. Simply throw the entire loaf away and relax. As you all know, being pregnant makes you crave strange things at odd times. 22/09/2009 12:16. Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. Of course, molds can still grow in the refrigerator (albeit much more slowly), but following these guidelines can help keep your eats fresh and fuzz-free for as long as possible. Certain molds, though usually not the ones caused by a temporarily damp attic, can even bring on serious and chronic respiratory diseases. Try to just put it out of your mind until the morning when you talk to a professional (I know, easier said than done). I put it in the oven for 5 minutes and realized it smells gross. By heating the bread, you create an environment that allows the mold spores to spread more rapidly. Pregnant. I WAS SNEEZING AND HAD SHORTNESS OF BREATH FOR AWHILE. Pregnant and accidentally ate moldy strawberries! Believe me, all the hype about things harming pregnancy is made up. All that being said, reading this article made me feel awesome. If those keep on going for more than a few days (1-2) go to a doctor. Have you ever eaten a bite of moldy bread? Thanks so much for your lovely messages girls. While I wait for my dr to call back, I would love any reassurance from you ladies that I dont need to be super worried. thankyou! I hope brushing my teeth teeth and the fact that I tried not to swallow even the saliva helps. please advice. In some cases, ingesting toxic mold can be fatal. Not sure how the heck I missed it! I picked up one strawberry and saw what looked EXACTLY like paper on it, I figured it was probably just from the paper towel that my husband used to dry the berries off. Im so glad to hear you didnt get sick! I freeze my bread since that time. Is it a mold that can cause toxins that can be very dangerous to you and your baby? Here is a list of possible adverse effects to eating moldy bread and their symptoms: Allergic reaction Headache Facial swelling Rash Difficulty breathing Congestion Anaphylaxis Loss of consciousness Asthma attack Wheezing OP's posts: Ate a piece of bread and thought, "this healthy bread tastes like crap w/o butter or something on it." Okay, tossing an entire batch of bread because one piece had mold sounds like a big waste of money and food. Fetal paralysis allergy symptoms accidental mold ingestion leading to dehydration. Fetal paralysis allergy symptoms accidental mold ingestion leading to dehydration. Happy baking, I would freak out too, so don't feel bad! I didnt know is mold and I boiled a pot of soup and drank it. According to, purple mold is oftentimes dangerous as its associated with toxic pink mold, which produces mycotoxins that are harmful to your health. Hi, Jim! About three hours later I had to rush to the bathroom. Said the worst that would happen is I might get an upset stomach and possibly vomit, but it won't harm the baby in any way. If you see purple mold on your bread, toss the entire loaf and buy or bake fresh! There is such a small chance of this occurring. I ate about 6 pieces of breaks without realizing it was expired because I was to stupid to realize it was If anyone wanted to know about eating moldy bread while preg j jlbelle Posted 5/18/12 Don't worry, you'll be fine! i was told to drink a gateraid once a day. Mold can cause infections, irritation of the respiratory tissues, and it can even bring on allergic reactions. Your body will protect yhe baby, promise.It was just moldy bread not ew chicken, no biggie. This doesnt mean you are unkempt. Home Bread What to do When Accidentally Ate Moldy Bread. MIchelle. Eat good clean good today to support your bodies detox, Just to highlight what the previous poster said, it would be a VERY rare case so dont worry too much. And Ive eaten quite a bunch of it. The mold was also likely surface mold or the whole berry would have squished in your hand because the mold causes it to rot. Fruit mold isn't overly dangerous unless you've got an allergy or something to it. Not pleasant, but seeing as you're pregnant, you could then go to A&E and they would take care of you. However, dont panic while reading that. My stomach was mildly nauseas and I felt weak until the next day. When I was pregnant with mty daughter, I had a trifle from the canteen. isn't mouldy bread where penacilin comes from. Ugh! My biggest fear is throwing up, so my mind instantly said This is going to make you throw up I have been researching nonstop for the last 10 minutes, and when I came across your article I felt very relieved. And then what we see growing on things like fruits, vegetables and jelly are the spores. i had opened it (what i thought was like 2 days before but i guess it was old, really old.) Press J to jump to the feed. These wheels of future fromage are then transported to level 2 where the whey is removed and the mold finishes the job, turning into a very slight blueish. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. Memo for moms blog about moms and babies menu. I will be honest with you, though I have accidentally eaten a few bites of moldy bread. I did this when I was probably 28ish weeks-I made peanut butter toast and had just about finished when I saw mold on the loaf. generally speaking you want to avoid soft cheese period unless it has been cooked - but the risk associated is so rare, I honestly wouldnt worry at all. Happy baking, so cheese having mold on it has nothing to do with there being listeria. Accidentally ate moldy bread : ( l lovealways31 Posted 2/23/13 Last night, I walked to the kitchen to grab a banana muffin ( I cooked Thursday) in the dark. This led me on a self-taught baking journey starting at the age of 13. a. Ate mouldy bread by accident. In fact, you dont really need to do anything, especially if you have a healthy immune system. I RINSED MY MOUTH OUT AND GARGLED WITH PURE PEROXIDE AND WATER AND THEN BRUSHED MY TEETH AND HANDS. Accidentally eating mold can cause mold poisoning, which can have a range of symptoms from mild to severe depending on the type of mold ingested. However, the dinner also tasted moldy and bad like the bread too so I couldnt finish it. All that happened was I felt nauseous (not from the mold, but from knowing I ate mold). Black mold is no good, but it usually causes respiratory issues. Symptoms can range from loss of appetite and loss of energy to a serious illness. If youre ever concerned about your health, it is always suggested to contact your doctor, especially after an event such as eating moldy bagels. Happy baking, I did not get sick from it nor did I get nauseated from it. I hope your next dinner tasted delicious! COULD BE FROM THE NERVES OF FINDING OUT WHAT AN IDIOTIC THING I HAD JUST DONE. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. Needless to say I'll be checking my bread (in fact all food!) Here is a list of possible adverse effects to eating moldy bread and their symptoms: Allergic reaction Headache Facial swelling Rash Difficulty breathing Congestion Anaphylaxis Loss of consciousness Asthma attack Wheezing I think you have to avoid nuts, don't you. NO GREEN SPOTTED MOLDY SIGHTS. Your email address will not be published. After that I was still very hungry and I just baked some frozen chips, they tasted like shit(not in a moldy-way, I just cooked them badly) and Im not sure eating them was the right thing to do. But i am freaked right out. Thank you for posting. I hate wasting food. but I don't think mouldy bread is on the list. Accidentally ate moldy bread : ( l lovealways31 Posted 2/23/13 Last night, I walked to the kitchen to grab a banana muffin ( I cooked Thursday) in the dark. 1 comment 50% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment BTW, a tour of the caves at Roquefort-sur-Soulzon (FR) will reveal that the Penicillium roqueforti is cultivated by men and women in white lab coats, placed in a special plastic breathable bag of fine baguettes, and dangled in the lowest cave level so the spores can infect the raw SHEEP milk (up to 3% fat!!!) First rule is to stay calm, always! I phoned , Make Me Pregnant Photo Editor . This morning, i woke up, cut one up and noticed a piece of banana inside had mold on it : ( I just made them Thursday afternoon too, and they were sealed up in a tight ziplock bag. This bad mold grows on a wide variety of foods, including fruits and vegetables; bread; lunch meat; jams and jellies; sauces and condiments; and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. She told me not to worry at all and I drank most of the bottle, I noticed the other day after I had shredded and eaten some cheddar cheese that the other end was moldy. Im thinking I just might get an upset tummy and possibly diarrhea later. :D, Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. Not quite true, penicillin can be made from certain types of bread, but it's a process, it's not like insant penicillin op you'll be ok This. After all, its pretty repulsive. You're fine. All Rights Reserved. the reason my nan eats it all,is she lived through 2 world wars & they eat watever was there hunny,dont worry. Remember that this is very unlikely, though, and tends only to occur when someone has consumed large amounts of moldy bread. Happy baking, I bought bread from the grocery store, there was already mold on it when I got it but I didn't notice until I had already bit into the moldy part. I feel so stupid for being careless! Just ate mouldy bread by accident - so worried now :- ( wishing_on_a_star Posted 8/31/09 I was about halfway through eating a slice of bread this even when I noticed a little mould on the side. Really, the only possible way this could happen is if you ate a ton of moldy bread with Mycotoxins. The good news is, eating a little bit of moldy bread likely isnt going to harm you you will likely just feel a little nauseous. Around 2:15 AM this morning (a few minutes ago) I woke up craving some strawberries. The toxins ( if the said mould contains them) could possibly harm the foetus but that's if you ate it on regular basis. I checked the rest of the loaf and there's a little bit of mould on the crusts. It would cause recalls and all that jazz which never happens. Relax you're fine, in all likelyhood it wont even upset your stomach and it definitely wont reach the baby. The MOLD is in you and theres no getting it out. I went to finish the bread after only to realize it was all moldy. I just need to stay away from Dr Google! If you visibly find mold in your food, discard it immediately since youre not sure the kind of mold it is. I had no idea that mold grows roots & spreads invisibly throughout the whole thing, thats why it still tasted bad. The mouldy bread wouldnt harm you so dont worry about baby. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Not sure if I ate any, but figured it wouldn't do much harm :/ pretty gross though! Michelle. Now, people rave about my delectable treats, whether its a chocolate cake or a strawberry crepe. Is moldy bread that has a purple color dangerous? I'd thrown up twice today (yay, morning sickness) and hadn't eaten much. What did you do? Oh, hey, last weekend I drank pop out of an bottle that had been opened and left in my car for 2+ weeks, and I turned out a-ok as well. Not a lot to be done at that point. If this was dangerous, it would be widely known and reflected in food safety regulations. Will this harm the fetus? I dont recommend trying to eat it to get rid of any ailments, though. worried I think I accidentally ate some moldy Mozzarella cheese. Once attached it begins to transform the cell into dough. As PPs have said should be fine. Pregnant and accidentally ate moldy strawberries! Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. OK, lets get this straight: the only food-borne illnesses that would directly infect the fetus are listeria and toxoplasmosis. Eating moldy bread can cause certain problems. I am 11 weeks pregnant for the very first time in my life with my very first child! A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. Jul 31, 2019 at 7:35 AM. You and LO are fine (: So you ate a bun that you didn't see any mold on and you're freaking out because the other buns were moldy? If its bread that has been sitting in the refrigerator for a long time, you may not be able to tell the difference between good and bad mold. Thats why I love humankind as a species, I really love human beings. What to do When Accidentally Ate Moldy Bread, What to do if You Accidentally Eat Moldy Bread. Accidentally Ate Mold While Pregnant There Are Some Suggestions That Being Exposed To Mold Can Increase The Risk Of Childhood Asthma.. Toxins, if present in Other Symptoms When Pregnant Can Include:. Registered in England. WebHowever, in certain cases, the mold found on spoiled food could be dangerous, so if you suddenly develop symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, an elevated temperature, or diarrhea, you should immediately seek medical help. So, Im aware that Im probably about to sound like an idiot, but in my defense it is 2:30 AM and I was half asleep when this happened. It's basically just more rotted fruit. Im freaking out. Last night i was eating a cheese string, and it was tasting fine, then a bit tasted weird so i looked down and in the middle was some green mold. Preventing mold on your babys food is as simple as keeping it sealed properly and always throwing expired food away. Thanks for all the lovely advice. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Neither of these illnesses is caused by mold. I agree we should all try to create a better world for everyone. Chances are it's not going to mess with an unborn fetus. How is your niece? WebHowever, in certain cases, the mold found on spoiled food could be dangerous, so if you suddenly develop symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, an elevated temperature, or diarrhea, you should immediately seek medical help. Im so happy to hear you didnt get sick. Preventing mold on your babys food is as simple as keeping it sealed properly and always throwing expired food away. If you visibly find mold in your food, discard it immediately since youre not sure the kind of mold it is. Accidentally Ate Mold While Pregnant. I guess mu stomach is made of steel. Accidentally eating mold can cause mold poisoning, which can have a range of symptoms from mild to severe depending on the type of mold ingested. Thats why I recommend trying to take your mind off of it ASAP. Is it a mold that can cause toxins that can be very dangerous to you and your baby? I PUT A PIECE AT AN ANGLE AND LOOKED AND SAW LARGE AREAS OF A DARKER COLOR. I did not get sick =), Hi Dana! Should I be as worried as I am disgusted? No worries. As a result, its crucial to know what to eat and what not to eat while pregnant. Hi Blanca! Thanks in advance. If you visibly find mold in your food, discard it immediately since youre not sure the kind of mold it is. Unless the symptoms are severe, there should not be any harm to the baby. I have just realsied I have eaten almost a whole slice of very mouldy bread - will this do me any harm and more importantly the baby I am about 25 weeks at the moment - I feel really sick but can't tell if I am just imagining if you know what I mean. I bought a loaf of gluten free raisin bread. Pregnant and accidentally ate moldy strawberries! thoroughly before eating it in future! I hope I have absolutely no problems of any kind in my body, and be okay with this situation. 12 weeks pregnant. But everything was fine so I wouldnt worry to much anout it. k. krisleigh625. I accidentally ate a piece the other morning. I feel fine, my heart is racing a thousand beats per minute (not literally), but thats probably more mentally induced. Sorry to hear you ate mold. I agree that OP most likely will be just fine, and I've never heard of a baby in the womb getting food poisoning (and I don't think you get food poisoning from mould?). Pregnant and accidentally ate moldy strawberries! Hope you are going okay! Of course, molds can still grow in the refrigerator (albeit much more slowly), but following these guidelines can help keep your eats fresh and fuzz-free for as long as possible. I promise that tomorrow will be a stupid-question free day. I'm really worried and scared. Women are advised to avoid certain foods in pregnancy due to things like Listeria and Salmonella. Also, never assume that moldy food is safe after youve scraped the visible mold away. Even if you get diarrhea it's not likely to affect the baby. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I accidentally ate 4 slices of bread that had a little bit of mold on it. it was then sitting on my desk, i looked down and it had mold floating all in it. I had food poisening when expecting my first, didnt harm him, just made me feel sooo ill. Essentially, this is what you should do if you accidentally eat moldy bread: Eat the bread; Feel ashamed and grossed out that you ate moldy bread; Scrunch up your face in disgust; Throw the whole loaf away; Try and think about something else; Watch for signs that extend beyond nausea; Be a bit more cautious of mold next time You should be okay, but if symptoms persist or worsen you should definitely call a doctor as treatment may be necessary. I know they are different but the internet has nothing reassuring - apparently some kinds of mold can have strains of bacteria including listeria. Otherwise those of us with penicillin allergies would be up a creek. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Now whenever i see a bag of baby carrots im probably going to say that to myself!

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