osha conveyor safety 1910

March 1, 2022 | Occupational Safety and Health Administration B. Analytical methods may be used in lieu of, in combination with, or in support of tests to satisfy specification requirements. (i) Straight relieved flanges made according to Table O-6 and Figure O-32 shall be recessed at least one-sixteenth inch on the side next to the wheel for a distance as specified in Table O-6. (i) A suitable enclosure shall be provided to prevent damaged or detached boards from falling. (c) The device shall be constructed so that a failure within the system does not prevent the normal stopping action from being applied to the press when required, but does prevent the initiation of a successive stroke until the failure is corrected. (vi) A holdout or a restraint device shall protect the operator as specified in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(c) of this section and shall include attachments for each of the operator's hands. b. Each recognized third-party validation organization and its validating laboratories shall: 1. 1910.11 Scope and purpose. (3) Each hand-fed jointer with a horizontal cutting head shall have an automatic guard which will cover all the section of the head on the working side of the fence or gage. (iv) The pull-out device shall protect the operator as specified in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(b) of this section, and shall include attachments for each of the operator's hands. The failure shall be detectable by a simple test, or indicated by the control system. 1910.120 Hazardous waste operations and emergency response. 1910.263 Bakery equipment. (1) Hazards to personnel associated with broken or falling machine components. (3) Bearings. The safety tripping devices shall be located within reach of the operator and the bite. 1910.169 Air receivers. Table O-11 - Strength and Dimensions for Wood Ram Props. (iii) The employer shall provide die stops or other means to prevent losing control of the die while setting or removing dies in presses which are inclined. However,current OSHA regulations on the control of hazardous energy sources (lockout/tagout)[29 CFR 1910.147],and machine guarding [29 CFR Part 1910.212 ] are applicable to these types of equipment. 1910.98 Effective dates. Overhead belt guards shall be at least one-quarter wider than belt which they protect, except that this clearance need not in any case exceed six (6) inches on each side. (ii) The operating levers on hand-tripped presses having more than one operating station shall be interlocked to prevent the tripping of the press except by the concurrent use of all levers. Die keys and shims shall be made from a grade of material that will not unduly crack or splinter. Overhead-rope and chain-drive guard construction shall conform to the rules for overhead-belt guard. (62) Safety system means the integrated total system, including the pertinent elements of the press, the controls, the safeguarding and any required supplemental safeguarding, and their interfaces with the operator, and the environment, designed, constructed and arranged to operate together as a unit, such that a single failure or single operating error will not cause injury to personnel due to point of operation hazards. Guarding vertical and inclined shafting. (54) Stroking selector means the part of the clutch/brake control that determines the type of stroking when the operating means is actuated. 1910.8 OMB control numbers under the Paperwork Reduction Act. The requirements of this paragraph are also applicable to sliding cutoff saws mounted above the table. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 51 FR 34561, Sept. 29, 1986; 61 FR 9240, Mar. (iii) If the cone is located less than 3 feet from the floor or working platform, the cone pulley and belt shall be guarded to a height of 3 feet regardless of whether the belt is endless or laced with rawhide. will bring you directly to the content. (4) Bushing. Every steam or airhammer shall have a safety cylinder head to act as a cushion if the rod should break or pullout of the ram. Appendices to Subpart L of Part 1910Note Any person or organization considering itself capable of conducting a PSDI-related third-party validation function may apply for OSHA recognition. Openings for oiling. 1910.333 Selection and use of work practices. (iii) Be constructed and installed in a manner to monitor brake system performance on each stroke. (1) Inspection. (1) Hot trimming presses. The spreader shall be attached so that it will remain in true alignment with the saw even when either the saw or table is tilted. The certification/validation process shall verify that the safety system complies with the OSHA safety requirements as follows: 1. Paragraph (f)(1) of this section does not apply to hand-operated gears used only to adjust machine parts and which do not continue to move after hand power is removed. Grade V60-30. Pulleys intended to operate at rim speed in excess of manufacturers normal recommendations shall be specially designed and carefully balanced for the speed at which they are to operate. (i) A main power disconnect switch capable of being locked only in the Off position shall be provided with every power press control system. (iii) A presence sensing point of operation device shall protect the operator as provided in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(a) of this section, and shall be interlocked into the control circuit to prevent or stop slide motion if the operator's hand or other part of his body is within the sensing field of the device during the downstroke of the press slide. (a) Attachments shall be connected to and operated only by the press slide or upper die. (3) An adjustable stop shall be provided to prevent the forward travel of the blade beyond the position necessary to complete the cut in repetitive operations. (c) The safety distance (Ds) between each two hand control device and the point of operation shall be greater than the distance determined by the following formula: (d) Two hand controls shall be fixed in position so that only a supervisor or safety engineer is capable of relocating the controls. Ample room for cleaning machines, handling material, work pieces, and scrap shall also be provided. No one should ever climb over or crawl under a conveyor and NEVER ride on or otherwise use a conveyor for transportation. In deriving the safety distance required in paragraph (h)(9)(v), all stopping time measurements should be made with clutch/brake air pressure regulated to the press manufacturer's recommended value for full clutch torque capability. Shall be free of operational control and influence of manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, employers, or employee representatives that would impair its integrity of performance; and. 1910.4 Amendments to this part. to 16,5 S.F.P.M.1. (17) Two hand control device means a two hand trip that further requires concurrent pressure from both hands of the operator during a substantial part of the die-closing portion of the stroke of the press. The adaptor nut which is less than the minimum one-third diameter of wheel fits in the depressed side of wheel to prevent interference in side grinding and serves to drive the wheel by its clamping force against the depressed portion of the back flange. 1910.106 Flammable liquids. If made of metal shapes or bars, their section shall be equal in strength to that of one and one-half (112) by one and one-half (112) by three-sixteenths (316) inch angle iron. (4) Tongs. The driving flange shall be securely fastened to the spindle and the bearing surface shall run true. When refacing or truing, care shall be exercised to make sure that proper relief and rigidity is maintained as specified in paragraphs (c) (2) and (5) of this section and they shall be replaced when they do not conform to these subparagraphs and Table O-4, Figure O-30, Table O-5, Figure O-31, Table O-6, Figure O-32, and Table O-8, Figure O-35. This document is not intended to be totally inclusive but rather to highlight the information and requirements in the complete OSHA standard that all owners and (d) Cylinders, cups, or segmental wheels that are mounted in chucks. This document is available in the following developer friendly formats: Information and documentation can be found in our (c) A separate pull-out device shall be provided for each operator if more than one operator is used on a press. In the area of Safety Standards for Conveyors, CEMA defers and refers to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Association for Manufacturing Technology, and OSHA to develop broad industry safety standards where they can.. Read below for additional safety information: For all Conveyors the ASME B20 Committee for Conveyors and Related Equipment maintains the National Standard ANSI/ASME . (5) Power-transmission apparatus located in basements. 8. Upsetters shall be provided with a means for locking out the power at its entry point to the machine and rendering its cycling controls inoperable. 1910.7 Definition and requirements for a nationally recognized testing laboratory. The guard shall effectively keep the operator's hand from coming in contact with the revolving knives. (s) Inspection and maintenance of woodworking machinery. All drip cups and pans shall be securely fastened. The basement, tower, or room occupied by transmission equipment is locked against unauthorized entrance. 1910.181 Derricks. (D) A check shall be made to assure that the barriers and/or supplemental presence sensing devices required by paragraph (h)(9)(ix) of this section are operating properly. The model is based on medical research into the forces needed to cause damage to . The materials and dimensions specified in this paragraph shall apply to all guards, except horizontal overhead belts, rope, cable, or chain guards more than seven (7) feet above floor, or platform. In no case shall a warning device of leather or other material attached to the spindle be acceptable. 1910.94 Ventilation. 1910.17 Effective dates. Alternative measures for lockout/tagout | 2018-05-27 | Safety+Health Showing movable guard with opening small enough to give required protection for smallest size wheel used. (ii) The point of operation of machines whose operation exposes an employee to injury, shall be guarded. The analysis reports should identify: (1) The basis for the analysis; (2) the hardware or software items analyzed; (3) conclusions; (4) safety factors; and (5) limit of the analysis. (viii) The control system shall incorporate an automatic means to prevent initiation or continued operation in the PSDI mode unless the press drive motor is energized in the forward direction of crankshaft rotation. All sprocket wheels and chains shall be enclosed unless they are more than seven (7) feet above the floor or platform. Object sensitivity describes the capability of a presence sensing device to detect an object in the sensing field, expressed as the linear measurement of the smallest interruption which can be detected at any point in the field. (8) Point of operation means that point at which cutting, shaping, or forming is accomplished upon the stock and shall include such other points as may offer a hazard to the operator in inserting or manipulating the stock in the operation of the machine. (12) Safety guard means an enclosure designed to restrain the pieces of the grinding wheel and furnish all possible protection in the event that the wheel is broken in operation. (v) Adjustable guard to be used for starting engine or for running adjustment may be provided at the flywheel of gas or oil engines. Test results obtained from development testing may be used to certify/validate the design. 1910.178 Powered industrial trucks. (l) Belt shifters, clutches, shippers, poles, perches, and fasteners -. (iii) Means shall be provided for disconnecting the power to the machine and for locking out or rendering cycling controls inoperable. 1910.1018 Inorganic arsenic. 2. here. (vi) For thread grinding wheels not exceeding 1 inch in thickness cast iron or malleable iron safety guards as specified in Figures O-36 and O-37, and in Table O-9 shall be used. 1910.112-1910.113 [Reserved] 2 For wheels under 114 inch thick F dimension shall not exceed 40 percent of wheel thickness. The clutch/brake control system shall be designed and constructed to prevent actuation of the clutch if all operating stations are bypassed. 1910.1451-1910.1499 [Reserved]. It shall be made of material that is soft enough so that it will be unlikely to cause tooth breakage. (52) Stop control means an operator control designed to immediately deactivate the clutch control and activate the brake to stop slide motion. Type 27 wheels are manufactured with flat grinding rims permitting notching and cutting operations. 1910.103 Hydrogen. Die-setting and maintenance procedures shall comply with paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section, and shall not be done in the PSDI mode. Each continuous line of shafting shall be secured in position against excessive endwise movement. The spindle speed of the machine shall be checked before mounting of the wheel to be certain that it does not exceed the maximum operating speed marked on the wheel. Equip.) If previous design, history and application are considered to be similar, but not equal to or more exacting than earlier experiences, the additional or partial certification/validation tests should concentrate on the areas of changed or increased requirements. Where a disk is used, the keys or other dangerous projections not covered by disk shall be cut off or covered. (iv) For cutting-off wheels 16 inches diameter and smaller and where speed does not exceed 16,000 surface feet per minute, cast iron or malleable iron safety guards as specified in Figures O-36 and O-37, and in Table O-9 shall be used. 1910.24 Step bolts and manhole steps. (ii) Be installed on a press such that it indicates when the performance of the braking system has deteriorated to the extent described in paragraph (b)(14)(i) of this section; and. b. Subpart O: Machinery and Machine Guarding, OSHA 1910 General - UpCodes The driving point of all friction drives when exposed to contact shall be guarded, all arm or spoke friction drives and all web friction drives with holes in the web shall be entirely enclosed, and all projecting belts on friction drives where exposed to contact shall be guarded. The mounting features shall conform with all requirements of this section. (ix) If foot control is provided, the selection method between hand and foot control shall be separate from the stroking selector and shall be designed so that the selection may be supervised by the employer. (xv) Selection of bar operation shall be by means capable of being supervised by the employer. 1910.176 Handling materialsgeneral. (ix) A scale guard of substantial construction shall be provided at the back of every press, so arranged as to stop flying scale. (i) Pulleys shall be kept in proper alignment to prevent belts from running off. (vi) Type of feeding (manual with hands in dies or with hands out of dies, semiautomatic, automatic, or other). Machine Safety Standards | UL Solutions (2) Hand-operated gears. All manually operated valves and switches shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. (1) Safety trip control. The materials and dimensions specified in this paragraph shall apply to all guards, except horizontal overhead belts, rope, cable, or chain guards more than seven (7) feet above floor, or platform. (iii) Stamped to indicate complete die weight when handling equipment may become overloaded. A report shall be made of each field inspection. Maximum hole size for all other applications should not exceed one-half wheel diameter. It shall be the responsibility of any person reconstructing, or modifying a mechanical power press to do so in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. If the validation organization and the validating laboratory are the same organization, the administrative and technical responsibilities may be combined in a single position, with minimum requirements as described in E.1. Abrasive wheel machinery guards shall meet the design specifications of the American National Standard Safety Code for the Use, Care, and Protection of Abrasive Wheels, ANSI B7.1-1970, which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6. (50) Single stroke mechanism means an arrangement used on a full revolution clutch to limit the travel of the slide to one complete stroke at each engagement of the clutch. This requirement does not apply to those elements of the control system which have no effect on the protection against point of operation injuries. The OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization shall conduct tests, and/or review and evaluate the employer's installation, tests, documentation and representations. If such a guard is constructed of sheet metal, the material used shall be not less than one-sixteenth inch in thickness; and if cast iron is used, it shall not be less than three-sixteenths inch in thickness. (2) Cutting heads on wood-turning lathes, whether rotating or not, shall be covered as completely as possible by hoods or shields. (a) When used in press operations requiring more than one operator, separate two hand trips shall be provided for each operator, and shall be designed to require concurrent application of all operators' to activate the slide. 1910.309-1910.330 [Reserved], 1910.331 Scope. (a) As used in 1910.213 and 1910.214 unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following woodworking machinery terms shall have the meaning prescribed in this paragraph. (o) Profile and swing-head lathes and wood heel turning machine. For saws with tilting tables or tilting arbors the fence shall be so constructed that it will remain in a line parallel with the saw, regardless of the angle of the saw with the table. 1910.152 [Reserved]. 1910.1009 beta-Naphthylamine. As a (51) Slide means the main reciprocating press member. All auxiliary equipment such as mill divider, support bars, spray pipes, feed conveyors, strip knives, etc., shall be located in such a manner as to avoid interference with access to and operation of safety devices. The maximum angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery and sides for safety guards used on grinders known as automatic snagging machines shall not exceed 180 and the top half of the wheel shall be enclosed at all times. (v) All clutch/brake control electrical circuits shall be protected against the possibility of an accidental ground in the control circuit causing false operation of the press. (vii) Reactivation of PSDI operation following deactivation of the PSDI mode from any other cause, such as activation of the red color stop control required by paragraph (b)(7)(ii) of this section, interruption of the presence sensing field, opening of an interlock, or reselection of the number of sensing field interruptions/withdrawals required to cycle the press, shall require resetting of the set-up/reset means. 2. (3) Each hand-fed circular ripsaw shall be provided with nonkickback fingers or dogs so located as to oppose the thrust or tendency of the saw to pick up the material or to throw it back toward the operator. e-CFR 1910.219 (a) General requirements. 1910.107 Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials. (3) Block means a short block of wood, provided with a handle similar to that of a plane and a shoulder at the rear end, which is used for pushing short stock over revolving cutters. 1910.110 Storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases. The failure shall be indicated by the system. Such changes in operational conditions as die changes or press relocations not involving disassembly or revision to the safety system would not require recertification/revalidation.). This prohibition is needed to increase the reliability of the presence sensing device in initiating a stroke only when the desired work motion has been completed. The assumptions made during the analysis should be clearly stated and a description of the effects of these assumptions on the conclusions and limits should be included. (60) Brake monitor means a sensor designed, constructed, and arranged to monitor the effectiveness of the press braking system. (3) For combination or universal woodworking machines each point of operation of any tool shall be guarded as required for such a tool in a separate machine. (ii) At least annually thereafter, the safety system on a mechanical power press used in the PSDI mode shall be recertified by the employer and revalidated by an OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization to meet all applicable requirements of paragraphs (a) through (h) and appendix A of this section. 1910.123 Dipping and coating operations: Coverage and definitions. (iii) Suitable reinforcement shall be provided for the ceiling rafters or overhead floor beams, where such is necessary, to sustain safely the weight and stress likely to be imposed by the guard. 1910.262 Textiles. (iii) Where brake engagement and clutch release is effected by spring action, such spring(s) shall operate in compression on a rod or within a hole or tube, and shall be of non-interleaving design.

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