81mm mortar range table

Correctly applying and performing these duties enables the mortar section to perform as an effective fighting team. Both legs are fitted with a disk-shaped foot with a spike beneath to prevent the mount from slipping. Despite its weight though, the 81mm mortar was an important part of the Table of Organization and Equipment of U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps maneuver battalions throughout World War II. A spring-loaded locating catch is behind the elevating gear housing, which locates the plain leg in its supporting position for level ground. The lower clamp is shaped and bored on each side to house the buffer cylinders. MC Medical Guide; Client-side mods; TFAR 1.x for players; The M375A3 cartridge is ballistically similar to the M374A3 (HE) cartridge. He uses the chain of command to assist him in effecting his command and supervising duties. Tabular Firing Tables TFT ORDER FORM 1.Select "Mortar" 2.Select which mortar caliber 3.Select mortar system nomenclature 4.Select which TFTs to order 5.Put in quantity and click "Add TFTs" 6.Click "Next" TFT JUSTIFICATION 1.Put in TFT Ordering Justification 2.Click "Next" SHIPPING INFORMATION 1.Fill out all required fields e. Care, Handling, and Preservation. (2) Burn all dead grass or brush within 30 meters around the burning place. The 0-second boss is wider and differs in shape from the other body bosses; the safe setting position is indicated by the letter "S" on the fuze body. The first table is a chart that shows range and elevation for firing particular mortar shells. The assistant gunner exposes 8 inches (200 millimeters) of elevation shaft, leaving the elevation handwheel unfolded. M64A1 Sightunit. The barrel clamps are then closed. The M821 HE cartridge (M252 only) is a British-made cartridge fitted with the US M734 multioption fuze. To make the shift, the gunner places the fingers of his right hand in the muzzle and his left hand on the left leg. .30, BROWNING, M1919A4 AND M2 (HEAVY BARREL), .30, M2 (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), GUN, MACHINE: CAL. It can provide all-weather, ground-based, close supporting, accurate, immediately Joint Tables of Allowance; PB - Professional Bulletins; STP - Soldier Training Publications; TC - Training Circulars; . Increments removed from cartridges before firing should be placed in a metal or wooden container located outside the firing vehicle/position at least 25 meters away. He knocks down the near aiming post and proceeds to the far aiming post. If required, the gunner/assistant gunner lowers the barrel so that the breech plug engages with the open end of the socket, and he uses the barrel as a lever to move the socket. All PD fuzes are superquick--detonate on impact. 0.50, M8 (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-2) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MACHINE GUN, CALIBER .50: BROWNING, M2 (HEAVY BARREL, TURRET TYPE) ON MOUNT, MACHINE GUN, TRAILER MOUNTED: MULTIPLE CALIBER .50 MACHINE GUN, M55 FIRING CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: API, M8 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MACHINE GUN, CALIBER .50: FICED, M85 TANK, COMBAT, FULL TRACKED: 105MM GUN, M60 SERIES FIRING CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: API, M8 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: API-T M20 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: BALL, M33 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: TRACER, M17 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MACHINE GUN, CAL. Proximity fuzes withstand normal handling without danger of detonation or damage when in their original packing containers or when assembled to projectiles in their packing containers. The following are authorized (Standard B) cartridges for the 81-mm mortar, M252: Each cartridge has fins around the tail to stabilize it in flight and to cause it to strike fuze-end first. At this command, the squad proceeds as follows: a. The gunner stands to the left side of the mortar where he can manipulate the sight, elevating handwheel, and traversing handwheel. It can be fitted with either the M567, M524, or M532-series fuzes. The assistant gunner checks the bipod and ensures that--. f. The open end of the socket must continue to point in the direction of fire. He ensures that the firing pin recess is facing upwards. The entire squad stays with the mortar. He places firing data on the sight and lays the mortar for deflection and elevation. It is a smooth-bore, muzzle-loading, high-angle-of-fire weapon used for long-range indirect fire support to light infantry, air assault, and airborne units across the entire front of a battalion zone of influence. If water is not available, the gunner must stand clear of the mortar until the barrel is cool. The M819 cartridge (M252 only) has a cylindrical body and contains red phosphorus that produces white smoke on contact with air. These are NDI items . The gunner levels the elevation bubble by turning the elevation micrometer knob and reading the setting on the elevation scale and elevation micrometer--this setting is the minimum mask clearance. The round is still safe to handle and transport if the safety wire is reinserted. It has no safety pins or wires to reduce preparation time. It has a time setting of up to 25 seconds. (1) The barrel is clean and free from grease and oil both inside and out. The section leader, acting as FDC, has one deflection instead of two or more. a. It comes preset to function on SQ/IMP, and the selector slot should align with the SQ mark on the ogive. The M374A2 and M374A1 cartridges are fitted with the M90A1 propelling charge. All mortar cartridges are painted to prevent rust and to identify their type. It is constructed from ductile cast iron and contains about 1.5 pounds of cyclonite (RDX)/trinitrotoluene (TNT) composition explosive. With the mortar mounted and the sight installed, the gunner lays the sight on the two aiming posts (placed out 50 and 100 meters from the mortar) on a referred deflection of 2800 mils and an elevation of 1100 mils. a. The cartridge uses the M205 propelling charge and is assembled with the M567 or M524-series fuze. Those cartridges assembled with the M524 (A1, A2, A3, or A4) fuze are for use by the US Marine Corps and US Navy only. (1) The rotating socket is free to move in a complete circle. (3) The circlip is correctly located, securing the rotating socket to the baseplate. The assistant gunner carries the bipod to the front of the barrel and places the bipod feet on the ground 12 to 15 inches in front of the baseplate and astride the line of fire. It arms within a maximum of 2.50 seconds. .50: AP, M2 AND CARTRIDGE, CAL. (1) Marking on container. He has the duty of preparing the ammunition and passing it to the assistant gunner. He places his thumbs alongside the forefingers, being careful to keep both hands away from the muzzle. (1) Mask clearance and overhead clearance are sufficient. Several types of RP/WP ammunition are described herein. 4-11. Examples are: Mount, M177, in folded position. This document (FT 81 B3, abridged) consists of two pages, each with a separate table. There must not be a visible gap between the fuze and cartridge body. When the approximate alignment is completed, the gunner signals the assistant gunner to lower the bipod by pushing down on the mortar. The striker has been modified to be able to use German and Italian patterns of 81mm mortar . The 81mm mortar is a portable, mobile, medium mortar at the infantry's disposal. Section I. This cartridge is ballistically matched to the M374A2, M374A1, and M375 HE cartridges, and weighs about 9.12 pounds. A proximity fuze is an electronic device that detonates a projectile by means of radio waves sent out from a small radio set in the nose of the projectile. CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M185 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A1 HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A1B HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A2 HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A3 HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A3B HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A4 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M284 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A5, M109A6 AND M109A7 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M284A2 CHROME ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A6 AND M109A7 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M199 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M198 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M776 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M777, M777A1 AND M777A2 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M776 CHROME ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M777A2 FIRING PROJECTILE, HE, M795 PROJECTILE, HE, M795 IM PROJECTILE, HE, M1122 PROJECTILE, IR ILLUMINATING, M1123 PROJECTILE, ILLUMINATING, M1124 INCLUDES FIRING TABLES FOR PROPELLANTS: M119A2 (CHARGE 7R), M203A1 (CHARGE 8S), AND MODULAR ARTILLERY CHARGE SYSTEM (MACS) PROPELLANTS: M231 (CHARGES 1L AND 2L), M232 AND M232A1 (CHARGES 3H, 4H AND 5H) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES) . The cartridges are returned to their original containers. on Amazon.com. The second ammunition bearer retrieves the aiming posts. a. Red phosphorus/white phosphorus--M819 and M375-series. b. Barrel (with blast attenuator device) When set at delay, the fuze train causes a 0.05-second delay before functioning. c. The elevating shaft is contained in the elevating leg; to the left of the elevating leg is the elevating handwheel. When the baseplate is in position, the first ammunition bearer lowers the breech plug into the rotating socket and rotates the barrel a quarter of a turn to lock it. A safety latch located at the side of the recess is used to secure the ball. e. The assistant gunner passes the round to the first ammunition bearer who inspects it for the cause of the misfire. When the gunner is satisfied with his sight picture he announces, "Up.". e. The squad leader picks up the aiming posts and sight. The fuze threads and fuze well threads are inspected for damage. The propelling charge is contained in four horseshoe-shaped, felt-fiber containers or nine wax-tested, cotton cloth, bag increments. The squad leader stands behind the mortar where he can command and control his squad. d. The ammunition is protected from mud, sand, dirt, and water. Standard A ammunition for the M29A1 mortar is Standard B for the M252 mortar (, Light green Yellow band with red markings. Each cartridge weighs about 10 pounds and is provided with the M223 propelling charge, consisting of four horseshoe-shaped increments fitted around the tail. Notches in the setter engage ribs in the setting ring of the fuze. It can be set from 3 to 55 seconds at half-second intervals. f. Installation. The components of the mortar consist of a cannon, mount, and baseplate. The explosive elements in primers and fuzes are sensitive to shock and high temperature. The cartridge uses the M218 propelling charge, which consists of four horseshoe-shaped increments fitted around the tail. (4) The bipod locking latch is locked, securing the barrel clamps. An internal clock mechanism provides nine seconds of safe air travel (610 to 2,340 meters along trajectory for charge 0 through 9, respectively). The M252 81mm Medium Extended Range Mortar is a crew-served, medium weight mortar which is highly accurate and provides for a greater range (4,500 meters to 5,650 meters) and lethality than the . Disposal Precautions. LHMBC. This ensures a maximum traversing and elevating capability after making the movement. If the primer is not dented, the round may be used again. CANNON . Target terrain, such as ice and dry sand, gives lowest burst heights, whereas water and wet ground give highest burst heights. The propellant increments are ignited, which produce rapidly expanding gases that force the cartridge from the barrel. e. The M362A1 and M362 HE cartridges are of steel forge construction and contain about 2.10 pounds of composition B explosive. 0.30, BROWNING, M1919A4, M1919A5 AND M1919A6 {TO 39A-5 AF-32} (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), GUN, MACHINE, CAL. The mount consists of elevating and traversing mechanisms and a bipod (Figure 4-4). a. The fuze contains a delayed arming feature that ensures the fuze remains unarmed and detonator safe for a minimum of 1.25 seconds of flight. This section contains information on how to prepare the 81-mm mortar, M252, for firing, how to conduct safety checks, and, if a misfire should occur during firing, what actions the crew applies to remove the cartridge from the barrel. A plain leg is fitted to a stud on the elevating leg and is secured by a leg-locking handwheel. He must not stand directly behind the mortar. c. The M375A2, M375A1, and M375 cartridges may also be used. The gunner moves the mortar as the assistant gunner steadies it. a. The settings are obtained from the range tables and are applied using a wrench (number 9239539) or a 1 3/4-turn open-end wrench. If not, he may still fire at the desired range by selecting a charge zone having a higher elevation. The 81mm mortar rounds use Red Phosphorus as the smoke generating agent. Both the M90 and M90A1 propellants are in nine wax-tested, cotton cloth, bag increments assembled to the tail unit. b. The ignition cartridge (with primer) is fitted into the base of the fin shaft. The firing pin must be replaced and the bore swabbed. Home; Swifty. Safety before firing is provided by a safety wire, which must be removed just before firing. .50: BROWNING, M2 (HEAVY BARREL, TURRET TYPE) ON MOUNT, MACHINE GUN, TRAILER MTD: MULTIPLE CAL. The sight is laid on two aiming posts (placed out 50 and 100 meters from the mortar) on a referred deflection of 2800 mils and an elevation of 1100 mils. When a misfire occurs, any member of the squad immediately announces, "Misfire." The ignition cartridge strikes the firing pin and detonates, which causes a flash that passes through the radial holes in the shaft. To set for delay, the selector slot should be rotated clockwise until it is aligned with the "D" mark on the ogive. It has two types: type 1 resembles the M734 fuze, and type 2 resembles the M935 fuze. The fuze arms and functions normally when fired at any angle of elevation between 0800 and 1406 mils at charges 1 through 9. He makes large deflection shifts by shifting the bipod assembly and keeps the bubbles level during firing. Short cartridges can be expected when firing below charge 4. The cartridge is painted light green and has red markings and one narrow yellow band. The table on the right describes the three most common setups. (d) Firing is slowed if mask clearance must be checked before each firing but this can be eliminated if minimum mask clearance is determined. (3) The M84A1 fuze is a single-purpose, tungsten-ring, mechanical-time fuze used with the 81-mm M301A3 illumination cartridge. b. All rounds are colored according to their type. b. If you look at the table above, you'll see that at 1.5km range, 120mm mortars have nearly 33% more dispersion than 80mm mortars.Try testing 80mm mortars and 120mm mortars at 1.5km against . The gunner is given a deflection and elevation change in a fire command causing the gunner to shift the mortar between 200 and 300 mils for deflection and between 100 and 200 for elevation. The gunner places the outer edge of the baseplate against the baseplate stake so that the left edge of the cutaway portion of the baseplate is aligned with the right edge of the stake (Figure 4-7). Table 4-3. (5) With the exception of a few unused increments (within the same ammunition lot number) as replacements for defective increments, excess powder should be removed from the mortar position. The propelling charge consists of an ignition cartridge and removable propellant increments. Correct way to open an ammunition box. At the command, MARCH ORDER, the squad places the mortar, equipment, and ammunition in the squad vehicle and trailer. MFCS Dismounted. M224A1 60 MM LWCMS Mortar The 60mm mortar, M224A1 Lightweight Company Mortar System (LWCMS), is a smoothbore, muzzle loaded, high angle of fire weapon. If the round does not fire, the gunner tests the barrel for heat. Fuzes are not disassembled. Additionally, they carry the 81mm M252 mortar that can only be used in a dismounted capacity. LARGE DEFLECTION AND ELEVATION CHANGES. As soon as the sight data are announced, the gunner places it on the sight. The sight bracket is attached to the buffer carrier, which is fitted to the traversing screw assembly. When fired, the cartridge carries the ignition cartridge with it, leaving the mortar ready for the next cartridge.

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